Sexual Power Confidence And Control Are Possible For You To Achieve
Sexual Power Confidence And Control Are Possible For You To Achieve
Have you been feeling a little less than confident in the bedroom? It’s only natural. Many people go through different ebbs and flows with their sexual history. Whether you are in a relationship and you want to have a better sex life in the bedroom or you are single and having trouble putting yourself out there sexually, there are plenty of ways you can cultivate confidence in the bedroom. Here are some tips to achieve that!
1. Practice Your Power Poses
This one is something that might feel kind of silly but once you try it a few times your confidence will be through the roof. All you have to do is stand in front of your mirror at home and put your hands on the sides of your hips like a super hero. Puff up your chest and look at how confident you look! This can boost confidence even though it sounds kind of ridiculous.
2. Develop a Confidence Mantra
Is there something in particular that makes you feel insecure? Come up with a mantra that makes you feel the exact opposite. If you worry about being too shy and quiet, tell yourself that you are friendly and popular. If you worry about being too short, tell yourself that you are just the right height. If you worry that someone won’t like you, tell yourself that they do, and finally if you worry that you will experience erectile issues in a sexual encounter, tell yourself that you won’t and that you have total prowess in the bedroom.
3. Try the FleshPump
The Fleshpump is a special device that can help people who suffer from ED by drawing blood into the penis to help it to become erect. It is chargeable via USB and works via two simple buttons that make it start sucking or release. It’s super easy to use and if you suffer from erectile dysfunction, or simply have the worry that your dick won’t always work the way you want it to. Give it a shot for the ultimate confidence in the bedroom.